Welcome to Adelshire Puppy and Dog Obedience Training

Our goal is to promote the importance of early socialization, training and puppy temperament testing.  Early and proper training  will help guide you and your puppy through critical developmental stages.

It has been my privilege since 1992 to work beside you as you’ve developed a deeper relationship with your dogs. I am so grateful for the friendships, cherished memories, and up lifting life- changing experiences.


Thank you for allowing me to share my knowledge, techniques, and philosophy with you. It is my hope that this has benefitted you and your canine companion. Helping you to communicate and have a better understanding of your dog’s psyche. A strong and everlasting bond that will last a lifetime.

You have all allowed me to become a better teacher of the craft that I love.

Thank you,



"A well trained pet is a joy to be around."



Beginner Class


The beginner class will help  you understand the developmental stages of your puppies early life and how to care and train for these different periods.


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Advanced Class


The second stage of your training will begin in the advance class.   In this stage of training you and canine will focus on dog attention, proper form for handler and dog, and sharper more precise obedience.

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Novice / Open Class

novice / open

The most advanced class offered is the Novice / Open training.  In this class you will build on the skills that you have learned in the advanced class.  This training incorporates AKC- exercise for Novice / Open obedience.

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"CGC" Canine Good Citizen Class


This certification will provide you with your first AKC obedience title.  This training is a prelude to other  obedience titles and therapy dog certification.

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Private Training

Private training

If you have a busy schedule and can not attend group classes and feel that you need additional help with basic obedience and good manners, we offer one- on-one private sessions in your home or the training facility.
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